Quality control

An effective Call Center puts the Customer’s satisfaction first, which requires the appropriate quality of calls.
Positive experiences of the Customer after contacting the consultant are extremely important.
To ensure this, we have created the internal Quality Control Department to monitor conversations and strengthen the positive experiences of your Customers.

calls listened monthly
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controlled chats, e-mails
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kontrola jakości - CCIG

What is the Quality Control Department?

The Quality Control Department plays a key role in building an effective Contact Center
This department is responsible for creating quality guidelines and for ongoing quality control of interactions in terms of content and procedures.
As part of monitoring, the QC analyses randomly selected calls, then provides feedback to managers responsible for leading sales and service teams.

Such circulation of information allows us to conduct coaching sessions with a consultant in the shortest possible time to improve the quality of their conversations, which directly translates into an increase in the satisfaction of your Customers.


To make the activities of the Quality Control as effective as possible, key indicators should be determined for quality-related operations.

The most important factors include:

  • KPIs related to Customer satisfaction survey (NPS, CSAT, CES)
  • FCR (First Call Resolution) – percentage of cases resolved during the first contact
  • ATT (Average Talk Time) – average time of conversation
  • SL (Service Level) – percentage of calls answered within 20 seconds;
  • ASA (Average Speed of Answer) – average response time;

The above indicators can be analysed for ongoing monitoring of Consultants and continuous improvement of the quality of services.

kontrola jakości - Usługi - CCIG


Increased Customer satisfaction
Improvement of the brand image
Cost optimisation

(reducing talk duration, higher effectiveness of Consultants)

Increased sales

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